30min Phone Call
Have some questions or just want to find out more?
Get all your questions answered and learn specific strategies to start improving your wellbeing by booking a half hour phone call.
Meditation has a lot of stigma and misconceptions attached to it. It only takes 5 minutes to untangle these myths and help you understand that meditation is a simple, enjoyable process of strengthening your focus.
In this FREE 30-minute phone appointment, discover what meditation actually is and why it is a good fit for you.
Learn the foundational skills of meditation
Are you new to meditation, looking for a simple yet effective technique or wanting to streamline your skills?
Foundational Skills Session (2hrs // Group // Online)
Learning to meditate is easy! We have distilled meditation into 10 foundational skills and in two hours, you will feel confident with all of them, for the rest of your life.
Be & Co Community
Join our online community and receive our fortnightly newsletters packed with wellbeing tips and the latest research.
Be & Co Group Meditations
The benefits of meditation rely on consistency. Yearly access to our fortnightly online group meditations supports you in achieving this.
Build on your foundations and progress the benefits
Are you motivated to keep progressing?
Foundational Skills Session (2hrs // Group // Online)
Learning to meditate is easy! We have distilled meditation into 10 foundational skills and in two hours, you will feel confident with all of them, for the rest of your life.
Progression Skills Session (2hrs // Group // Online or In Person)
Once you have practiced the 10 foundational skills and are feeling confident with them, we teach you 5 Progression skills that will ensure your practice doesn't stagnate and that you continue strengthening your over all wellbeing abilities.
Be & Co Community
Join our online community and receive our fortnightly newsletters packed with wellbeing tips and the latest research.
Be & Co Group Meditations
The benefits of meditation rely on consistency. Yearly access to our fortnightly online group meditations supports you in achieving this.
Progression Sessions
Yearly access to our monthly, online Progression Sessions means that you contune to learn new skills and concepts, ask questions and learn from others who are on the same path as you.
Price on Application
Are you ready to rewire unhealthy habits, unlock your goals and be a human being instead of a human doing?
What is involved?
The Progression Training (see details above)​
One on One Coaching
Meet with your meditation coach ​once a fortnight, for 3 months or 5 months, for tailored sessions that ensure your habit is deeply engrained for the rest of your life, you access the core benefits of meditation and you create unshakeable wellbeing abilities.
Life Time Access
Be a part of our Be & Co Community and access our Group Meditations for the rest of your life. ​
Meditation. Education. Inspiration.
Are you looking to learn or teach your team about the skills required to maintain a healthy wellbeing?
Whether you are a parent, educator, leader or business owner, you will walk away feeling motivated and confident after attending our Wellbeing Workshops.
Current Workshops in the Series:
-Overcome Overwhelm
Learn what overwhelm actually is and the four scientifically backed steps to overcome it. ​
- Powerful Parenting
Parenting is hard in so many ways. Learn how to balance the demands with what brings you joy.
- Fundraiser Workshops
Support your community by supporting yourself!
- Collaborations
Working together as a community to build a stronger a community.